Undertaking small research projects can be an invaluable experience for undergraduate students in pharmaceutical sciences. These projects can provide students with practical skills and knowledge that are essential for a career in this field. By working on a research project, students can learn how to develop research questions, design experiments, collect and analyze data, and interpret their findings. Additionally, students can gain an understanding of the importance of ethical considerations in research and learn how to communicate their results effectively. Undertaking research projects also enables students to build their confidence and independence as researchers, and can be a valuable addition to their resumes when seeking employment or applying to graduate school. It also exposes the students to the concept of innovation. Overall, small research projects can provide students with a valuable opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills in a practical setting and can help to prepare them for future careers in the Pharmaceutical sciences. Final Year B. Pharm students (in groups of 4-5) are allotted a guide from members of the faculty who assign topics of interest for the project work to be completed in Semester VIII. The students submit a Project report and make a presentation which is further evaluated. Some of the TY students undertake worthwhile projects. Several of the projects are presented at conferences and culminate in award-winning outcomes.